Introduction to generators, turbines, motors and transformers and their function in the electrical power (generators, turbines, motors, transformers and electrical systems).

 General information about his works) Mester Twin Motor and Transformer to be the cornerstone of power generation transmission or distribution system.     1) Generator       An electrical machine that converts mechanical power into electrical power. In particular, it is connected to the power generation center and the A.C. (A.C.) Machine This device is also called alternator. Its capacity is KVA. (KVA). 2) turbine      Power generation is an important device connected to the house that converts the kinetic energy obtained from water, steam, etc. into mechanical energy. The turbine is coupled to the rotor of the generator which generates electricity from the generator when the rotor is rotated. There are two main types of turbines: 1. Impulse turbine It is mainly used in high head / low discharge production houses. This includes Pelton turbine. 2. Reaction turbine: It is mainly a product of Medium & Low Head and High / Medium Dis...

Detail information about corona virus and its preventive measure

Corona virus is a very harmful  virus or disease  which is commonly called  COVID-19 and cause the illness  in the respiratory system in human beings .It is newly evolved virus which is rapidly spread around the world .Many people's  across the world loss their life due to this virus . The origin of this virus is  from the chine country  in "Wuhan" city in december 2019. when this virus spread all over the world the World Health Organizations (WHO)  declared  this virus as a COVID -19. till Now  scientist and researcher  are not able to find its  vaccine  or anti-dot  but the research  is continued .     Many people's  across the world loss  their family and friends . Due to the excessive   spread of this virus all the governments  across the world where the corona cases  are increasing   announced  "Lockdown" . In the situation  of lockdown people's  are not allowed to come outside from the home . So that they can be safe from this virus. All the industrial , educational  , business  are stoped due to this pandemic .  In this pandemic period technology  play the important role like laptop, internet,mobile  so that people can get the update of corona cases  through  that and spend time by watching movies , playing games etc.                                                                                    Impact of COVID -19 on different  sector                       After spreading Novel corona virus (covid-19) all over the world . This virus affect on different sector  around the world some of the sectors are as given below:                                                                                                                                                                                           1)  IMPACT ON ECONOMICAL SECTOR:                         

     In this pandemic period all the business , industries,factories  are closed due to this virus. When all the industries and factories are closed  they it decrease  the global economy   of a factory and industry or business across the world.  According to the economist   they said that " if this virus is stay for a long period  of time then the global  economy will be destroyed  ". so this virus are adversely  affect on global economy. In the highly advanced  countries like america ,japan,china they can run their industry  and factory through  different medium but for the poor countries  like nepal, bhutan ,Afghanistan  they  have to go to work in factory  and industry  . They have no resource  for this  to work in factory .                                                                                           2) IN EDUCATIONAL SECTOR                             
  In this  situation  of Corona virus  all  the government  of there  own country  inform people  about closing of school,institution ,collage and university . Many student are learning form the virtual  class organized by their school or collage.  So that there is no risk for student when they learn  from their home.                                                                                                                                                           These are some factor  which is extremely  affected.   Now lets  discuss about  the cause of this virus ÷                                                            # the actual cause of this virus is not identify  by the scientist . But the research is going on to study  this virus in detail.                                                                                                  SYMPTOMS OF THE CORONA VIRUS                   1) High grade fever or Low grade fever:             - when  the corona virus enter the body  of human through  the different  medium then the people  may suffer form fever . It depends upon the stamina of people.                                                                                                 2)   TIREDNESS                                                       It is the another  symptoms of corona virus in which the people  feel really tired of doing something . They feel sleepy every time.                                                                                                                                                                               3) DRY COUGH:                                                          It is the another symptoms of the corona virus  in which the dry cough is seen in people's .    people's  should use hot water for drinking and  eat soap.                                                                                                        4)HEADACHE                                                   headache  is the another symptoms of the corona virus in which the people's  head is paining .                                                                                                                                  5)DIARRHEA : It is the another symptoms  of the corona virus in which  a person go regular toilet . In this condition  Stool of a person is extremely  thin  as compare to other normal days .                                                                                                                                    6)CHEST PAIN     :Chest pain is the condition in which the person feel pain in the chest. But the chest in pain  is also the symbol of  heartattack  so do the  PCR test to determine corona .                                                                                                                                                          In the above we discuss  about the symptoms of the corona virus now let's talk about the preventive measure for corona virus.                                                                                                                                    PREVENTIVE MEASURE FOR COVID-19                                                                                              1)  DOING REGULAR  EXERCISE.                                Doing  regular exercise in the early morning make  human body healthy and fit.  exercise  make the immunity system  better. It keep mind fresh and provide strength  to fight  against this virus.                                                                                                                              2) KEEP SOCIAL DISTANCING:     Social distancing keep all the people's  from spreading the virus. This virus is highly spread where there is gathering  of more people so every people should make 2 m distance from each other.                                                                                                                        3) USE OF MASK :   Proper use of mask can protect the human beings from the corona virus     we should  cover our under a mask in appropriate  way. You can easily get this mask near the medical shop.  Mask should be used in such place where  there is maximum crowd.                                                                                                                                      4)REGULARLY CLEAN HAND AND USE SENITIZER                                                                 To protect from the corona virus we should wash our hand regularly and use senitizer. Whenever we go outside we do handshake with other people so that the virus is transfer to our hand  so to kill the viruses  and germs  from our hand we should use sentizer.                                                                     These are some preventive measure from the corona virus(COVID-19)  regularly follow these preventive measure to protect yourself  and your family.      Spend time with your family members  in the lockdown . Everything will be okey at the end be clalm  . Eat sufficient  vegetable and fruits to improve  immunity power


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